Actions of men, righteous or contrived?

The actions and words of men, righteous or contrived?


| ˈrīCHəs | adjective

Righteous -(of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous: feelings of righteous indignation about pay and conditions | he is a good, righteous man, I am sure.


| kənˈtrīvd | adjective

Deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously. Created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic: the novel's ending is too contrived.

The only way men can be righteous with their words and actions is if the actions and words pursue truth. Truth is natural; it in itself is justice. It is unjust to deceive and lie and manipulate a man to leverage him into motion without the opportunity to decide for himself his direction of movement while deprived of the truth.

Men and women who speak the truth are now the new rebels. It has come to be a battle of information and truth and lies. Deception of what is true and what isn't, what is wrong, and what is right. When men cannot decipher the lies from the truth, we are moving into chaos. If everyone is right, then no one is right.

Does no one want to speak in right and wrong? Have we lost the courage to say this is wrong, and you are wrong? Have men lost the courage to admit when they are wrong?

Every man must weigh the outcomes of his choices and the cause and effect of each choice he makes. The causes men decide to stand up for and die for are their own choice and no one else's. If your motivation is more about you than others, men will see it and will not join you.

Make your cause about others, and they will stand shoulder to shoulder with you. A righteous movement puts others before your self-interest. The righteous movement is not forced on others through threats, loss of lively hood, work, or fundamental human freedoms. The righteous campaign doesn't leverage the people's freedom to manipulate them into actions that should not be forced on anyone. It is cultivated and created by the one who leads it, and they leave it to the people to join or not as free people should have the choice to do so.

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