Get Lost in the Work

Get lost in the work

If you desire to get lost, then get lost in the work you need to do.

The work will clear out all the unnecessary garbage we have collected. Our focus will remove people who do not have work to do; the more time he spends in the training room, in a classroom, in his notepad, face in a book, putting pen to paper. 

There will be no time for anything else; the time left over after studying and planning will be creating; the only thing left is a little bit of rest. Then repeat the process. 

This natural state of movement toward something will create separation from everything that has no value, every life-sucking and the time-thieving thing you have done will disintegrate. 

The clarity of purpose won't be matched by anything produced to distract a man from it. Untouchable Focus.

Seek Knowledge & Grow Strong.


What about the truth?


A Good Man Will…